Monday, December 8, 2008

Cikgu Isroha!! u're the most SPORTING among the otherS teacher

The reason why u're the most sporting teacher because.......

  1. About 1 semester u teached us, u never gave us more than 3 essay.I know it's hard to believe rite??

  2. Then, u let us makan gula gula ( but...but...i never do dat)

  3. U even passed around ur samboi to us time sit- in, i admit i did makan that time=)

  4. We can do anything we want

  5. Treat us nicely ant teaches us full of perseverance

  6. Sometimes she say in Kelantanese try to fool us (sekpa2x ko kelakar kelantanese, i kelakar Sarawakian) Hehe, sikmok KALAH

and she used to say

"mu, ni! actually is kamu ini!! Kau tok!!