Thursday, December 16, 2010


Go to work like usual at 6. My parents had conversation so i interrupt politely. They were talking about the bird nest. Well basically bird nest made of saliva nest so i wondered, ma,pa what if we (human being) can sell our saliva. Isn't it great?!? Profitable. My parents laughed off and said, we gonna be tired of spilt our saliva (non-stop =)

We had catering....a lot of left over. " Its a sin,wat a waste....." (according to the bos)

I don''t know whether, I've being to judgemental or what but i think some us simply wasting the food (ikut sukahati jak, i know i don't have the right to force you to finish the food or critic about the way you wasting your food or even $. Lantak ko lah mok camne bazir, that is your right to spend your $ (either u're rich or in the other way round) But we should always think that there a lot people outside there no food to eat, not even rice.They are starving and don't have any clean water supplies.They can't afford it. And yet some of us throwing the food (slumber jak without any hesitation or think twice).

PLEASE THINK ABOUT THE PEOPLE OUTSIDE THERE BEFORE WE THROW OUR FOOD !!!! I'm not trying pointing someone who did this but it's for all of us tO realise that we're fortunate to have our 4-5 meals PER DAY , unlike others are having 1 meal per day!!!

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